Ever walked down a street and seen a store that is just about to open, but you have no idea who they are, what they sell and when they are opening? Windows covered with newspaper or paper wrap, no signage .. it can look unprofessional and off putting. If you are opening a new store, refurbishing or updating, there is no excuse for not attracting new customers and retaining loyal shoppers with use of a retail barricade from Mall Wall. Your marketing objective is to ensure that your brand is established so you can make the sales you need to profit, and in a busy mall, it is important to stand out.
Retail Barricades for communicating with customers
Promoting your business within a busy environment can be difficult. It is important to make sure your message is seen without making it too overbearing. A retail barricade from Mall Wall is the ideal way to promote your brand to your customers. No matter what size your store or the area you need to fit your retail barricade to, Mall Wall can design and install a bespoke barricade for your retail store. Using your brand colours, logo and any mission statements on your retail barricade can help your customers identify with you and will allow them to connect with your brand online and in any other advertising media in which they may be enticed back to your store. They can be designed in full color, brand colors or with your choice of text and information you require to let people know about your store opening, to your individual requirements. With Mall Wall, more and more people will get to know your brand!